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Conditions d'achat
We sell used clothing and accessories, but guarantee their good condition. If a slight imperfection was detected during the inspection, it will be mentioned in the description.
Due to the current global COVID-19 pandemic, all packages and items will be disinfected prior to dispatch. We still suggest that you wash your items upon receipt of your package.
Extra hygiene measures will be taken to ensure your safety and ours if you plan to go to the store to try on, buy clothes or pick up a package. Wearing a mask is compulsory.
Please note that the items offered on this site are also available in store. In the event of simultaneous sale on the website and in the store, a refund will be offered to the online buyer. If you have a problem with an item, please contact us upon receipt of your order. Any return of merchandise is at the customer's expense. You can refer to our size chart below.



Online payment method: paypal, credit

In-store payment method: cash, debit, credit


If the payment methods indicated do not suit you, please contact us by email or phone in order to arrive at a solution.




Shipping charges to Canada will be calculated and added to the total amount at the time of purchase. For international deliveries, please contact us by email address.



You can also pick up your order for free in Pierrefonds [Montreal, Quebec]. You just need to select it during checkout. The exact address will be emailed to you. If the period to which you have been invited does not suit you, contact us by email address indicating your name, the order number, the date / time you would like to spend and your phone number.

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